FBI NM: 1) Refused to take a copy of Hunter Biden's laptop when presented with it from the father of the Mac Shop repairman who lives in ABQ. This happened before the 2020 election. (source: Mac Repairman's book "American Injustice, My Battle to Expose the Truth" by John Paul Mac Isaac)

2) The FBI did nothing when the failure of a "Logic & Accuracy" test occurred on a "test tabulator" that processes ballots in Chaves County. (source: Signed affidavit by the County Clerk of Chaves County regarding the failed test) NM Secretary of State And the FBI were aware of the situation.

Thank you! I keep watching closely. Lots of weasels.

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I hope election reform is on the agenda. Need to expose the movers and shakers behind election rigging, show proof to the american people and congress will get nailed by the public if they don't pass meaningful election reform. This is the hinge that trillions of dollars is controlled by.

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We must come up with a standard for federal elections, ID required ink on thumb, mail in ballots invalid after 10 pm

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one day... cleaned up voter rolls (or wiped out and start fresh each year). How is this validated? Don't want motor-voter automatic enrollment. If you can't get off your butt to register to vote, then you can't vote.

No mail in ballots. Cut the post office out of this. And if you're hand delivering it for someone, your fingerprint goes on it, along with the person delivering it.

But that could lead to a lot of claims of disenfranchisement and same-day voter registration headaches.

The constitution has states directing how the vote is done. But I'd like federal standards that are ADHERED to. Not just guidelines that MIGHT be followed.

Did I forget... no machines?

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Yes, I suppose that could be worked out under provisions of voting systems as part of our national critical infrastructure.

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State Legislature going on right now...no more "bill-pile on-passing" IMHO. I was asked to review "Senate Bill 218" for 2025. That's an eye-full. I guess the plan is to have the feds run elections.

One of the people who "introduces it" received campaign funds from solicited campaign funds from another senator for HIS campaign. This is the same guy with the years ago big fat contract regarding county clerk adm. huddling with (at that time and still) our current SOS. She use to be county clerk of the largest county in the state. This "generous" senator to underling senators, ran the LLC called NM Clerks until county clerks in the state complained that he was making the LLC sound like a govt. entity. He would send pep talks to all county clerks in NM on election day whether his LLC had a contract with that county or not. The complaints led him to change the name of the LLC. And what did he come up with??? "Vandelay Solutions"


Before all these legisators start waving their pens around, let's talk about the campaign finance NGOs. Peter (the Great-according to me & no relation to Andrew "the Great" Paquette) Bernegger has a lot of news on that front.

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Peter has done amazing work.

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I happened to have watched Alex Jones (on his show) tell his producer, we have got to get Peter on the show. I also think Alex Jones needs to get Andrew "The Great" Paquette on his show. My only reason saying that is because Alex Jones has the IQ to understand what you have found out and connect other dots. His intelligence is very important. This web is massive and he has "decades of data" stored in his memory banks. Just my thoughts.

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And it makes you wonder what other domestic vehicles are indirectly funded (AntiFa)?

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...and spread around the country. The senator I mentioned above talks about his Cuban mother who lives(lived?) in Chicago. One of his Vandelay Solutions partners seems to have been affiliated with a Chicago law firm. They must ride the train. Carpet Baggers moved around like potted plants.

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I can't even imagine scale of the lists of 'line item' evidence of charges in upcoming legal actions, from both sides; or if there will be enough 'clean' and un-indicted lawyers (?and judges?) remaining to file & conduct the voluminous number of filings!

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Everyday I repeat what a lawyer told me years ago, "How do you eat an elephant?...One bite at a time." The draft state senate bill I mentioned above contains (as what they think is a good idea).

Beginning Pg. 6, Line 20; “…The secretary of state shall maintain an elections security program. The program shall have the general responsibility of advising the secretary of state, county clerks and the voting system certification committee regarding voting system and cybersecurity requirements and ensuring their implementation and shall be the primary liaison working with federal oversight and intelligence agencies regarding elections-critical infrastructure.

(continuing) The elections security program may conduct assessments, inspections and incident response in relation to networks and equipment deemed to be election-critical infrastructure, both at the state and county levels.” end quote.

The "critical infrastructure" BS (please pardon that) is about every Tom, Dick & Harry having access to county administration. I cringe when I hear it.

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I think your picture of Mr. Trump would fit nicely on a coffee cup. For my collection...

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A strike at USAID is a strike at the heart of the ‘deep state.’ Mike Benz, former Trump State Department official, has been at this for some time—explained in videos on realclear.


Who cries the loudest tells you what USAID is about, and who the deep state uses for cover.


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Benny Johnson's 2/4/25 podcast with Mike Benz is brilliant, too.

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I hope President Trump gets started on exposing the election problems very soon. He should also have things ready he can do when the left raises its ugly head to attempt evil interference (like how he cut off security clearances for Al Bragg and Tish James when they attempted their most recent attack on his auditing agenda).

Isn’t it something how the left loves audits when they are their tools of lawfare against their opponents, but not so much when they expose their own wrongdoing?

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Yeeeeee ha!

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A great summary of the news. Have you considered becoming a "newsee". I suspect the smashing of the USAID will be one of the best things he's done, because it funds the left, including the main stream media and may also break the chain of the intel groups who fund overseas intel groups who in turn try to control the US people.

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The chickens have come home to roost! Exciting times for sure!

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