To say "you're one in a million" is understatement. Rest; recharge. And please, continue your essential work on the voter roll (fraud).

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perhaps your unique abilities were given to you for this moment.

just as no one else other than trump could have withstood what he has gone through, you may be the al gore ithms huckleberry. thank you, sir.

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Keep going doc gotta clean up the real trash and put the criminals in jail

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hi Dr Paquette i encountered your work on algorithmic voter ID numbers via american thinker, but my brain doesn't really comprehend the concepts involved. i quickly become lost in the graphs & statistical analyses & acronyms & various different kinds of numbers that are discussed. i was wondering if you have any simple presentations showing perhaps what voter ID numbers used to look like in these states, what they look like now, what information you believe could be contained in them & how this might be used by cheats. perhaps in the form of a video? if you have made a post or even a video of this nature please point me to it, & if not i hope you have time to do one in the near future


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hi thanks for the link

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