I am about to embark on a look at Georgia’s voter rolls. Until then, if you want to read any of my preliminary reports on other states, they can be found here. New Jersey is coming out in a peer-reviewed journal, but I don’t know the publication date. All I can say is it will be days or weeks from now.
As for Arizona, it uses at least 2 algorithms I can see, both of which resemble algorithms found in New York. Arizona’s “Braid” (note, I make up all these names myself) is very similar to New York’s Shingle. New York’s Metronome is, as far as I can tell, indistinguishable from another Metronome in Arizona.
The Shingle and Braid might not look similar at first glance, but they are. The key is the first image in this post. It shows how the Braid takes the number space, divides it into quadrants, and then assigns numbers to it by shifting one axis. Instead of a normal ascending patter (1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4) we get an offset pattern (4/1, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4). This offset is several thousand numbers. After the first set of numbers are assigned, it repeats over and over again until each “block” of numbers is defined, and then it moves to the next block. Both algorithms do this. The difference is in the specific offsets.
The similarity between the Braid and Shingle, and even closer similarity between the two Metronome patterns, makes me think that the two states have something in common. That is, whoever made the patterns in one state, had a hand in the other.
And now, I’m really bushed and need some sleep, though it’s mid-afternoon. When I get up, I’ll be thinking of Georgia.
To say "you're one in a million" is understatement. Rest; recharge. And please, continue your essential work on the voter roll (fraud).
perhaps your unique abilities were given to you for this moment.
just as no one else other than trump could have withstood what he has gone through, you may be the al gore ithms huckleberry. thank you, sir.