This is all great, great news. But there also needs to be restitution for those falsely imprisoned. How do we not only make them free, but whole again. Help me beat, not only the accountability drum, but also the drum of restitutions for those imprisoned.

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You're right. If it was up to me, their relaease day would become a national holiday, parades would be held across the country in their honor, and they'd be given huge sums of money in damages. On the other end, their persecutors would go to jail and lose everything. Oh, and need I mention: medals for their service. However, a new type of medal, now that the Medal of Freedom has been tarnished by the ridulous awards Biden gave his pals just before exiting the White House.

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Andrew...this is still on my mind and heart, obviously. I am an Alabamian and I am going to write my Govenor and my 2 Senators. We are a conservative State - they should help me go further. If you have any ideas, let me know. Veteran, here. Sister of and Army Veteran, Daughter of a World War II Veteran (Iwo Jima) and niece of a retired Air Force Career Veteran (all of the conflicts and wars, combined). Thank you for standing up and serving our Nation, also.

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I like feral Andrew. Yeah, I know you can't go around looking like that forever, but you will always be feral Andrew to me.

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Me too, at least to an extent. My wife doesn't like it too much because all the hair seems attracted to every drain in the house and our pool. Short hair is much easier to take care of, and a short beard or no beard presents no obstacles when eating. This isn't the only time in my life that I've had long hair and a huge beard, but it doesn't happen too often.

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I'm with your wife- no beard.

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My son and I did similar with our hair when the small businesses were shut down, not knowing our "emergency", would last 975 days. When asked, "What is the criteria to get out of the emergency declaration", Governor Inslee answered, "There is no criteria, I will know when it is time." Gov Inslee proved this when the "emergency" was suspended on an arbitrary calendar day. I pointed out that "No criteria to get out of an emergency means there is no criteria to be in an emergency."

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Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah! I wish we could send postcards to all the released prisoners with your "mug shots" of before and after (yesterday to today).

The clip below is interesting. President Trump's official photograph seems to be taken similarly to the lighting and pose of his mug shot, according to Jesus Enrique Rosas, The Body Language Guy. Since you are such a great photagrapher, I would be interested to hear what your opinion is.


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I had the same thought, and laughed.

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So much is now happening, fast, it's (happy) work keeping up with developments since our Liberation Day. Thank you for this good article, information and encouraging insights!

Enjoy all benefits of the haircut, and as-if being 'undercover' of normalcy! My endless gratitude to you.

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Yes! Happy Work 2025

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Andrew Thanks , love your articles. Susan believe me 47 will not rest until all those tortured by biden s government are made whole.

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Holy Mooly Andrew I could barley recognize you. That took a lot of dedication to do what you did, Cheers brother! Let's see what happens with all those government gangsters our nation deserves the justice. What worries me now is the focus on our corrupt elections is being lost. We all know nothing what so ever has been fixed. Our Project Civica team is hard at work exposing felony violations of law using the latest NYSVoter files. Also Randy Barber has filed a federal lawsuit to acquire the Catt. Co. N.Y. cast vote records. We are fighting hard in N.Y. State to make a difference. Let's see what happens.

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Lots of work to be done, though a few flags of progress (haircut, shave) are great.

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