Border update: Eagle Pass
Zak sent me🙂 Thanks for all the time and research you’ve invested… I I really enjoyed the interview.👍🙏
I'm ready to order my new GW statue! 😉🇺🇲
I love it! I took a photo of a bumper sticker which read:
"Socialism is Communism for slow learners"
Funny but, sadly, true!
God help us!
I hope I can share this!
Enjoyed this!
Zak sent me🙂 Thanks for all the time and research you’ve invested… I I really enjoyed the interview.👍🙏
I'm ready to order my new GW statue! 😉🇺🇲
I love it! I took a photo of a bumper sticker which read:
"Socialism is Communism for slow learners"
Funny but, sadly, true!
God help us!
I hope I can share this!
Enjoyed this!