In addition to the ALGORITHMS (ironically) running on Twitter/X, I’d have to think that human being X employees also had/have a console with “buttons” or “switches” they can push or flip to arbitrarily shadowban us (or worse).
Maybe one of those got activated for you to flag your account, and while your account was able to “come back” after Elon’s debut, maybe some violation vestige still remains.
I have 4 ideas for you:
1) Try the browser version of X and also try the app for X. Maybe try both on a different device in case a cache of some kind is in play. Often I’ve found that if the browser won’t let me post something at first, the app will. Or vice-versa.
2) Since it may have been a human that made the problem for you, maybe a human is necessary to resolve it. Try making contact with Elon or some other trustworthy employee. Maybe sketch something eye catching and set your notifications so you know instantly when Elon posts, and then reply immediately with your sketch image and saved text. As I said elsewhere, maybe your excellent algorithm research and published documents are something the President or Elon or Pam or Kash would respond to (leading to help in solving your X problem). As the sayings go, a) It’s not what you know, it’s 𝙬𝙝𝙤 you know; and b) You have to know the ropes in order to pull the strings.
3) While you’re waiting for (or maybe also in addition to) the resolution, consider checking out gab’s ai at since there is an assortment of some limited free AI there, or you could also pay for an annual subscription that gives you more/unlimited access. (I think the image generators have a high daily limit of 50 but the text AI personalities (you can access more than one) have unlimited access with a subscription.
4) Hey, hey, it’s your lucky day! This iOS AI app is FREE FOR LIFE *TODAY*:
ps: gab CEO Andrew Torba (good name, eh?) has this new book (you can preview a chapter) “with a compelling exploration of humanity’s role in an AI-driven world”:
I am curious as to what percentage rate would be applied to these "tools" working well for everyone. All of a sudden that becomes a subjective question and it shouldn't be. We are talking about machines. I don't understand a world where machine = subjective.
Based on all the IT people I have read about and known, I don't see an "A+ Socially" group. It is a case of "one reaps what he sows". Putting someone as socially awkward as Mark Zuckerberg at the helm of "social" anything is to our detriment. That should have been obvious. And some of these "social" architect nerds were fed government dollars. That is warped.
Zark Files, I hear you Loud & Clear here! Thank you for not giving up!
Great post. I find the whole thing incredibly encouraging. As you know, I've been exploring this on my podcast and, more recently, started an AI development project aimed at TRUTH.
While AI still struggles with truth, the encouraging part is that it's a pretty easy problem to solve. Start with some solid, unbiased premises, apply well-reasoned logic, and you get truth.
And it's funny because untrue is a lot harder for AI. It necessitates human manipulation that always sounds clumsy.
It's unsustainable. When we are at our best, we always choose truth.
In addition to the ALGORITHMS (ironically) running on Twitter/X, I’d have to think that human being X employees also had/have a console with “buttons” or “switches” they can push or flip to arbitrarily shadowban us (or worse).
Maybe one of those got activated for you to flag your account, and while your account was able to “come back” after Elon’s debut, maybe some violation vestige still remains.
I have 4 ideas for you:
1) Try the browser version of X and also try the app for X. Maybe try both on a different device in case a cache of some kind is in play. Often I’ve found that if the browser won’t let me post something at first, the app will. Or vice-versa.
2) Since it may have been a human that made the problem for you, maybe a human is necessary to resolve it. Try making contact with Elon or some other trustworthy employee. Maybe sketch something eye catching and set your notifications so you know instantly when Elon posts, and then reply immediately with your sketch image and saved text. As I said elsewhere, maybe your excellent algorithm research and published documents are something the President or Elon or Pam or Kash would respond to (leading to help in solving your X problem). As the sayings go, a) It’s not what you know, it’s 𝙬𝙝𝙤 you know; and b) You have to know the ropes in order to pull the strings.
3) While you’re waiting for (or maybe also in addition to) the resolution, consider checking out gab’s ai at since there is an assortment of some limited free AI there, or you could also pay for an annual subscription that gives you more/unlimited access. (I think the image generators have a high daily limit of 50 but the text AI personalities (you can access more than one) have unlimited access with a subscription.
4) Hey, hey, it’s your lucky day! This iOS AI app is FREE FOR LIFE *TODAY*:
That may solve all your problems and not cost you anything to boot! Here are the directions to claim it for free:
ps: gab CEO Andrew Torba (good name, eh?) has this new book (you can preview a chapter) “with a compelling exploration of humanity’s role in an AI-driven world”:
I am curious as to what percentage rate would be applied to these "tools" working well for everyone. All of a sudden that becomes a subjective question and it shouldn't be. We are talking about machines. I don't understand a world where machine = subjective.
Based on all the IT people I have read about and known, I don't see an "A+ Socially" group. It is a case of "one reaps what he sows". Putting someone as socially awkward as Mark Zuckerberg at the helm of "social" anything is to our detriment. That should have been obvious. And some of these "social" architect nerds were fed government dollars. That is warped.
Zark Files, I hear you Loud & Clear here! Thank you for not giving up!
Great post. I find the whole thing incredibly encouraging. As you know, I've been exploring this on my podcast and, more recently, started an AI development project aimed at TRUTH.
While AI still struggles with truth, the encouraging part is that it's a pretty easy problem to solve. Start with some solid, unbiased premises, apply well-reasoned logic, and you get truth.
And it's funny because untrue is a lot harder for AI. It necessitates human manipulation that always sounds clumsy.
It's unsustainable. When we are at our best, we always choose truth.
Grok's response sounded encouraging. Keep trying Andrew.
Looks like Elon has more work to do.
Have your tried anything like this?
Looks interesting but complicated.
I’d go for the lifetime free app I mentioned. 😁