Another masterpiece

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Your last two posts take us to a new level: "The Election Cook Book" or "Cooking the Election Books"

A Recipe and who are the Chefs(?)

Ingredients; State Vendors

NGOs (Non-Government Organizations) / NonProfits (to include the political parties)

Cooperating State Agencies (DMV, Health & Human Services, State Dept. of Education,...)

Media Outlets

Information Technology

And, when dinner is served you have the County Commissioners and Clerk who might as well be in comas with their pens propped up.

I just finished reading "The Wolf of Wall Street" and "Catching the Wolf of Wall Street" (both non-fiction and written by Jordan Belfort). Electronic records seem to play a major role in desensitizing people to committing and/or condoning fraud. As part of Jordan's judgment, he is required to pay 50% of his earnings (forever?) as restitution to "the people" he stole from.

Thank you for all your hard work and applying your wonderful brain to the problem in the first place. You, alone, led me to study the Voter Registration database. It is the heart of the problem.

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Kinda makes sense when we can call up an old CNN clip of Cloward and Piven looking over the shoulder of Clinton as he signs the Motor Voter Act


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"Was their actual purpose to enable fraud?"

As Kvan noted, an architect of NVRA was Cloward/Piven whose stated goal was to overwhelm the American system, be it voter rolls, welfare or whatever.

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I collaborated with a person analyzing voter rolls who raised concern about NVRA and HAVA. My additional concern is the electronic hardware and software, veiled from public view.

I agree with Andrew's postulate, the legislation IS a Trojan Horse. Today ballots, not voters, are the political parties' concerns. Election agencies armed with 'voter' rolls, election hardware and software are enabled to produce the results of their choosing

HAVA and NVRA language required reviews / reports (Congressional Research Service) - the first few outlined the problems of verifying citizenship - then went silent on the subject. I stumbled across systems EVVE (Electronic Verification of Vital Events) and STEVE, operated by NAPHIS - used by federal, state, and local agencies to verify birth and death information. Some election agencies are said to use EVVE (not Washington or Oregon according to their laws, codes and administrative rules).

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Your additional concern was expressed in Lake v Fontes Petition for Certiorari

“By turning elections over to black boxes running software outside the public domain, we surrendered the ability to meaningfully verify the election process.”

The Supreme Court denied the petition.

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The 30 thousand foot view is really helpful. During this period of time, the globalists were very busy. Externally controlled elections would be just the thing to make the gears go faster. The fix, paper ballots, hand counted, however without major start-from-zero RE-registration and a more secure database with tracking controls, we're doomed.

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