Apr 15Liked by Art Zark

I watched this two times back to back, I thot it was so fascinating how God used the Covid virus -- and the evil that it unleashed -- to turn these very different people to see reality in spiritual and biblical terms.

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Apr 14Liked by Art Zark

Did you know Naomi had a little demo at CPAC of your work for NYCA? True story

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Apr 15Liked by Art Zark

A recent book of Michael Nehls, MD, PhD, The Indoctrinated Brain, describes the neuropathology destroying the brain's autobiographical memory and brain's neurogenesis, enabled by "spiking", a.k.a., the COVID-19 injections. The science revealed in Nehls' book supports Mattias Desmet's findings published in The Psychology of Totalitarianism.

So much Light is available to disperse darkness! Keep the faith.

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Apr 15Liked by Art Zark

I do not smoke cigarettes or anything else. I have been around women who smoked cigarettes and felt compelled to "limit their consumption" around their kids. I watched and perceived when they were at their limit and "needed" to smoke. Now here, sitting still, watching you draw, and hearing you tell us what you see and perceive about our current situation feels like, to me, what I imagine that much needed relaxation-induced "smoke" felt like to those women.

Listening about the threats (evil/Satan) with a calmed mind and stillness is fortifying and makes continuing the fight easier. I guess I am headed to more County Commissioners' meetings.

What wonderful gifts you possess! This was excellent, and your voice clear. As usual, your post feels well timed. No smoke and I am already addicted. lol Thank you!

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Apr 15Liked by Art Zark

Satan is the father of lies. In the first minute of Carlson’s interview with Wolf, he rolls a video montage of the Big Lie “this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.” Satan is given voice through his human vehicle.


John 8:44–The Geneva Bible (the founders bible, which Wolf references) text reads:

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do: he hath been a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, then speaketh he of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.

About the devil, Bishop Fulton J Sheen presciently noted, the Lord warned that he masquerades, [he] “will be so much like Himself, that he would deceive even the elect — and certainly no devil we have ever seen in picture books could deceive even the elect.” (The elect being those in devine favor). “He will come disguised as the Great Humanitarian; he will talk peace, prosperity and plenty not as means to lead us to God, but as ends in themselves.”

Bishop Sheen then described Satan’s method in the First Temptation of Christ, “the temptation to turn stones into bread as an earthly Messiah will become the temptation to sell freedom for security, as bread became a political weapon, and only those who think his way may eat.”

The renewal of the FISA-702 sacrifices freedom for security.


Then there is this.


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Apr 15Liked by Art Zark

Absolutely yes I've been noticing the whiff of satan's evil coursing through an increasingly dystopic phase of experience. I have discussions with one friend about what we're sensing and what is the probable source. We've identified the fascinating mechanisms similarly to how Naomi eloquently described her sensing; which Tucker corroborated. Whenever my attention is drawn to yet another oddly dissonant event or succession of events (patterns), I refresh the brightest Light of my field before venturing deeper into its puzzle / curiosity. From lessons learned previously, I usually recognize if and when a border line is kindly presented to me, and I don't explore the particular thing further. Evil is seductive beyond my power and can so easily usurp it for its own appetite. It's important and useful to notice evil without engaging with evil. For an insatiably curious person, that may require trial-and-error practice before attaining adequate calibration skill.

I didn't use to acknowledge evil as evil's nature is. I preferred excuses for it. It's more clear to me now that evil just is, and that I have a choice to align with it or NOT. Consistent awareness of it continues to be the major hurdle. Once I see / sense it I can't not see / sense it and therefore, I then just have to figure out the most effective choice of action(s) for my greatest-good life experience. I find that angelic help is always available when I unwittingly find myself surrounded by darkness and density. The best and most fun angelic help is when it arrives spontaneously before I ask.

So yes, while the scrim, or wave layers of dark spiritual frequencies are thick, sticky and oppressive, but one has the capacity to observe without becoming ensnared into its intricate webbing. Each one of us create preferred strategies, tools, of choice; a choice of how to experience whatever shows up. I suggest not following collective behaviors but to stand in one's power (first, one has to accept and own responsibility for this) and create a best vision or imagination of what experience/s are ideal, consciously.

I loved the Tucker and Naomi discussion. I got lost in Naomi's surreal-real tactile, visual description. It resonated "true" and for me, fascinating to perceive the architecture of evil in this way. Of course I'd rather have sunshine and cheery birdsong predominant, but that ain't what's going down at this juncture; not predominantly, anyway. Paradoxically, the after after-effects of listening to this powerful conversation around spiritual evil force, has reinvigorated both resolve and love. Joy is ascendant.

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Apr 15Liked by Art Zark

I was where you are with respect to Satan being in our midst - in the end times. However, listening to Naomi and Tucker (which I had not seen -thank you John), it seems to me from the Bible reading Tucker is doing/concluding, Satan has always been in our midst. To avoid downfall, we must be open to God who is all around us all the time. I also enjoyed you painting as you talked. I have no such artistic skill, so I am amazed to watch the skill in action.

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Apr 15Liked by Art Zark

Every time I or my brother or other family members or friends who are truly aware of what's going on reach the apex of anxiety about the depth of evil or scope or implications for humanity or total lack of sense or reason behind ALL OF THIS, I force myself to pause, and to dig down deep into my heart and soul for that God-center that reminds me what it really is ... then look up and say ... "It's the devil. It was the devil in the garden. It was the devil throughout scripture. It was the devil who tempted Christ and turned the mob against Him - the evil one who turned his back on God and has been seeking to strip all that is Godly from humanity - individually and in its entirety - because we were created from the love of God and in the image of God, and who, through His mercy and forgiveness, ultimately seek to return to that source of life and love. And, thanking God for that realization, He reminds me in His own Words: "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world." And so I pray for greater faith and strength and courage and freedom from all that binds me to this world, and the willingness to act where He has placed me in this battle. And in that is my hope found ...

All that to say, I am also thanking God for waking others up to this same reality - and for those who have willingly and courageously stepped forward despite great exposure and threat, to speak about this openly and intelligently and fearlessly - people like Tucker and Naomi Wolf. More and more every day are doing so.

I think I said this one other time you posted one of Tucker's interviews ... while I often view Trump as the St Peter of our time ... I see Tucker as our St Paul. If you've been following him lately, and compare many of his recent interviews, you'll see the same thread of inquiry making its way through the discussions - of seeking God, of seeking and finding faith, of the joy and hope to be found there and in finding commonalities with other travelers on the journey and soldiers in the fight. I thank God for this!

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Apr 14Liked by Art Zark

I believe pure evil is afoot. It has always been an opportunistic energy and when Governments loose their way and deliberately conspire to destroy the natural laws of human decency it compounds like a spider waiting for its prey.

And excellent book “Wetiko Healing the Mind Virus that Plagues our World”.


I always enjoy your writings Dr. Zark.

Thank you

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Apr 15Liked by Art Zark

I have been on the fence regarding subscribing to TCN. Your “art watch commentary” pushed me over the edge. I immediately went to the Wolf interview and am chewing on the truths that the two of them uncovered. Incidentally, I also downloaded the Geneva Bible to my e-Sword software and will be referencing it in my daily study of God’s word.

So thank you!

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Below are nine points about divinity and Satan, with direct quotes to support each, highlighting the conversational tone and distinguishing between the speakers:

Different Perceptions of Satan in Biblical Contexts: One speaker highlights the inconsistency of Satan's representation in different religious texts. They mention, "we don't have the same discourse around Satan...he's not the same figure of maerial evil in the Old Testament." This suggests a comparative look at religious texts and their interpretations.

Modern Understanding of Divinity: The conversation shifts to a contemporary understanding of God's nature, contrasting it with older, more severe interpretations. A speaker notes, "in the original [Bible], he's so like us, loves us, keeps trying to help us get it right...nothing's too small for his concern." This portrays God as approachable and caring.

Impact of Cultural and Educational Influences on Beliefs: There's a discussion about how cultural and educational settings can influence one's understanding of religious figures. A speaker remarks on how different translations affect perceptions: "Mis translations of standard Bibles that we read in the West in English totally different."

Personal Reflection on Free Will and Fate: Personal belief systems are discussed, particularly in relation to fate and free will. "I do believe in fate but I also believe in Free Will and I haven't figured out how to solve that problem," one person explains, showing the personal struggle to reconcile these concepts.

Religious and Ethical Crisis in Modern Institutions: The dialogue touches upon a perceived decline in ethical standards within institutions, with a religious undertone. One of the speakers observes, "like one institution after another just exploding and collapsing when it comes to basic ethics or basic professional obligations."

Experiences of Spiritual Warfare: There is mention of "metaphysical dark Forces" being felt by individuals, indicating a belief in ongoing spiritual battles. This is evidenced by, "I'm so glad you're talking about these metaphysical dark Forces because I feel them too."

Religious Influence on Individual Experiences: Discussions about how religious beliefs have provided personal strength and guidance in life are evident. A speaker shares, "I didn't have a nervous breakdown, I didn't become a drug addict...I would say that was God's help."

Transformation through Spiritual Beliefs: The conversation includes accounts of how spiritual and religious beliefs have transformed personal relationships and views on life. For instance, "this trip you've taken into this brand new world, have you taking it together?" shows how shared beliefs have affected a marriage.

Debating Historical and Religious Perspectives: There is a debate about the role of divine figures in historical contexts, with a speaker suggesting, "The Return of the Gods...he argued that we in the west, but especially we in America have kind of r [reimagined]..."

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Apr 15Liked by Art Zark

But isn't Marxism just a euphemism for evil too? Satan represents all the things anti-ethical to common sense, decency and love. Leftism is just another strain of the opposite of the individual freedom that comes with the morality of the Judeo-Christian ethos. Any other of the ethos not Christian, also respect the individual I assume over the collective, at least if they want to thrive. Its not hard to presume a conspiracy isn't needed for indoctrination to work on those unaware of their indoctrination. Half the world "educated" by Leftists, think they are on the right side of history because they were told the Right are Nazis. So yes I guess it is Satan continuing to tell lies through the Legacy media that is allowed to continue its regurgitation, because all the leftists are college educated.

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Apr 15Liked by Art Zark

I have absolutely felt the presence and push of Satan in our lives over the past 5-6 years, with exponential impact in the past 2 years. My husband and I have both noticed it and have discussed it. We were very taken by this interview. I think it’s the best one Tucker has done yet. I did not expect that.

I will say though that Satan doesn’t bother to attack those he doesn’t need to. As we get closer to God and see the evil around us, we become targets. Those who can’t/won’t see, remain blissfully blind.

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The battle of good vs. evil began on 9/11/01 Doc. With evil gaining enough strength to overtake good during the obama administration by design of that Antichrist and those that sold their souls and sold out their country in the process

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