6 hrs agoLiked by Andrew Paquette, PhD

Andrew, what a beautiful way to highlight the judge's choice in self-incrimination, and in embracing evil. I hope Tina wins an appeal, and barring that, she wins a pardon from Pres. Trump, and evidence of evil exposed.

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Me, too. And I hope she wins big on compensation in a counter suit.

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President Trump can't pardon her because she wasn't tried in Federal Court. It would have to be Gov Polis.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Andrew Paquette, PhD

Well done. Clearly Tina was shafted. She got punished for doing her job. Ugly, sinful!

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I think about your comment "...she broke the law by not breaking the law. Or, that she should have broken the law to avoid breaking the law."

It was well said!

Likewise, maybe EVERY election clerk in the country should be tried and convicted for not retaining Voter Data, log files, ballot images and other machine data... After the Dominion (or other Election Software Provider) performed an Image Update after the 2020 Election.

The above comment isn't meant to be liberal, triggering or combative! I agree with everyone here!

In a perfect world, clerks would backup machines anyway! It's the IT thing to do! Any Enterprise Company would be doing that! Likewise, the criminality should be falling on the Software Company or those performing the Maintenance!

To avoid loss of voter data in the future... EVERY County Director of Elections should make a backup. If they don't than the County should penalized for the loss of that information. Clerks should stand trial as spokesperson for their County Election Data!

Personally, Whistleblower protections should have applied here! When she was targeted by her SoS, she took things to the Public!

Thanks Dr. Zark on your comments on this! Praying for Tina Peters!


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My husband and I went to the trial for a couple days and sat in court. The Judge actually said while the jury was out that it didn't matter if Tina was correct in her suspicions that there was fraud in the voting system. Her charges didn't involve the findings. I wrote this article for Rocky Mountain Voice explaining how the evidence of machine fraud and the actual illegality of using the machines as they are set up plus the fact that we are expected to vote by faith made me not trust Colorado elections. https://rockymountainvoice.com/2024/08/poll-former-mesa-county-clerk-tina-peters-a-villain-or-hero/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=ncl_amplify&utm_campaign=240814-mountain_minute_814&utm_content=ncl-6Smt69VDJT&_nlid=6Smt69VDJT&_nhids=ncx63uM1toAls

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My Spiritual Comment:

It's difficult for those with no faith or lack in fear of eternal damnation to make spiritually righteous decisions. Maybe they believe they can ask forgiveness at the end and be saved! A contention from many Christians that hate the thought of an easy way out for extreme sinners!

Broken heart and contrite spirit being all telling! I doubt these individuals will recognize true repentance when required! As unclean, they can't enter into heaven!

I'm saying what all of you know! But, to add:

I feel what Dr. Zark is describing "The Lord's Punishment" comes immediately! With each added sin, moral crime and probably rejection of the Holy Spirit comes possible repercussions. The Spirit is removed, more negative things occur, you draw further away from God and others.

In my opinion, God withholds blessings as you distance yourself from him. (He's not refusing blessings, just not rewarding blessings at this time!)

I believe this is why individuals like the Liberal Cabol continue further down this dark tunnel! For us to know Good, we'd need to witness Evil I guess.

I pray these matters get resolved November 5th! I don't believe any outcome on that day will keep our nation from conflict with one another!


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