You've certainly captured my concerns. The frustration of knowing that the "rule of law" is currently broken - with the exception of the Supreme Court, on which they are working overtime to kill its effectiveness. One little ray of sunshine I saw was a video by the United Sovereign Americans, called "The Case of the Dollar Bill". It broadens the concept of counterfeit money by showing briefly the consequences in everyday life. Then applies the concept to "counterfeit" voting, and the bad results. The video is short enough to be highly viewed, if spread. Another potential positive is that Mike Lindell has the Kari Lake case (enhanced with two new elements) at the Supreme Court. If accepted and adjudicated sanely, may produce a breakthrough. Thirdly, Marly Hornik and friends have a strong legal case (their first) in Maryland. I'm less familiar with this, but watching. I too saw the Yeonmi video and found it riveting-scary.

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The result of dumbing down society and citizens for decades now creating useful idiots until their usefulness has expired

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Thank you, once again, for putting these views out there, so well expressed. There are many of us, I'm sure, that see these issues as you do, and yet way too many who fail to see at all. Ominously, it appears that further casualties and other losses, in this war if you will, are to be the mechanism to increase the numbers with newly-opened eyes. There's no joy in perceiving this, but better to have some psychological preparedness. Pray (and fight against) that it might not need to become too awful in eventuality.

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Yeonmi Park and her mother are amazing people. They had to do unsavory things to get to the USA. I watched one of Yeonmi's interviews where she explained what she found happening at Columbia University. She fought with those demanding indoctrination professors tooth and nail. It was exhausting. She ended up vomiting back what they wanted to hear on the tests, to get through their classes. THAT made my blood feel like it was freezing. Sent chills up my spine.

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I just heard about the “Cloward-Pivin Strategy.” Have you heard of this?

Here’s what I saw:


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Starting at 9:20 is a great interview done by Tina Peters with Peter Bernegger. Peter gives a shout out to Dr Art Zark and Marly Hornik at 19:40.


Peter Bernegger was arrested the day after the Tina Peters interview, three weeks ago. He was charged with some arcane Wisconsin statute, “Simulating Legal Process.”He filed 50 ethics complaints on politicians with the Wisconsin Board of Elections for accepting money laundered funds through what is known as ‘smurfing,’ bundling donations from many small donors who are unaware their identity are being used as the contributor.


They can’t mug shot all of us…or can they?

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