Jun 29Liked by Art Zark

I talked with Marley the other day about the HAVA case being worked on in our state, but had the opportunity to briefly let her know how groundbreaking I thought your findings were. I think you have to be something of a math or finance person to appreciate the implications of these algorithms. Unfortunately, most folks running our elections have no math skills, and less imagination.

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Jun 29Liked by Art Zark

Now I know why I feel guilty when I zip thru the end of a movie, though without the benefit of this discussion, I wouldn't know or understand the "science" of accrediting, or the detailed work represented by the credits. As a latecomer to the NYCA research group, I appreciate your description of your role there, and always thought that the country needed to hear Marly's story. That actually happened today when she presented on the Steve Bannon Warroom show, using PA data as her discussion point. She did us all proud.

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The expert analysis of voter registration and election data now employed by United Sovereign Americans in dozens of states—termed, ‘the scorecard,’ in the Pennsylvania Petition for Relief—was ‘modeled’ from the original research work done by the aforementioned named in this article, CREDITING —NYCA. Here is the segment from today’s Warroom.


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Dr. Zark's mastery includes diplomacy! There are cogent revelations in this article that shine impartial light on "data gaps" that gradually destabilized a truly amazing volunteer effort unison. The lengthy preface-context of "credit" as it functions in various fields of human organization, provides an apt cushion to sit upon with reading "The Credit Roll." The legacy of the literally phenomenal work of NYCA's talent pool lives on, and the only Dispenser of Credit That Matters, has taken note!

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Many hands make light work Doc and many go unrecognized in the fight for our country not being stolen by forces of evil! You and many deserve much credit for your hard work and I heard Marly being recognized by Steve Bannon on the War Room. It’s good that it is waking people up through the exposure! Keep the important fight ongoing don’t let egos get in the way. Our great State and Country are at stake!

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"Topping Out" celebration. The number of hours and results are impossible to achieve without a group that is focused and dedicated throughout the project, even if it was just one bolt or weld. Thank you, All of You!

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Can’t you somehow publish an addendum or revision (“2nd edition”) that would include the names that had been inadvertently omitted? 🤔

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It isn’t practical for the publisher, which makes it impossible for me. This omission doesn’t affect the content in any way, so there is no reason to do it unless they sell out of the current edition, which I doubt. Besides, the damage has been done.

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It seems like everything is digital and electronic these days, so maybe it could be included in any (subsequent) digital versions. Of course that can’t unring the proverbial bell or recast the proverbial die. What was this publication about, anyway? On some things they didn’t want their names included, so this was probably nor something like those.

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This was my thesis, so they definitely wanted their names on it. The thesis was about the development of proficiency (expertise).

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