We always hear about the separation of church and state by the left when education or prayer is involved but when a church gets millions or billions to do the lefts jobs they don't mind at all.

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Consultant for Presidential Library???


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Thank you! I find your drawing videos very relaxing. And it was a welcomed break no matter how aggravating the topic...state sponsored religion. I consider your illustrations or photographs 50% of your post. They add so much. It took me a long time to get to this post because I thought I had better watch "America This Week" Taibbi & Kern, Joe Rogan's interview with Bret Weinstein, And Tucker's interview with Mike Benz at which point I was about to "pull my hair out." That is over 6 hours of content. Ouch!

And, I am not liking what I am hearing. Mike Benz seems so overwhelmed that it sounded as if he was trying to "back pedal." Others just seem to be marveling at the vastness of the corruption. I am staring at the clock thinking that this reminds me of the primaries of 2022, which seemed to be a few candidates "groping around" the "election issues." Please don't tell me we are going to do that again.

I agree with your comments on the institutions of religion. They appear to be subsidiaries of the "Church of Satan-Corrupted, Criminal, Governments." Many are in dire financial straits which reflects their failures combating cultures of corruption and instead joining in them--case in point: Bishop Mariann (OMG).

We have to get these elections right. Elections / "Campaign" finance. The rest will s-l-o-w-l-y follow. Amen.

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