
1 state with 33 counties. 2 downloaded statewide voter registration databases. 1st downloaded 7/1/2021 and 2nd downloaded 12/9/2022. Each download divided into 3 Excel files, alphabetized by surname (so 6 files total).

First set of 3 (7/1/2021) "A thru H" 499,999 records; "H thru R" 499,998 records; "R thru Z" 344,320 records. Each file has 6% of its records with the "Status" as "Inactive".

Second set of 3 (12/9/2022, shortly after mid-term General Election) "A thru H" 499,998 records; "H thru R" 500,001 records; "R thru Z" 368,796 records. Each file has 13% of its records with the "Status" as "Inactive".

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As an example, November 2022 General Election (Voter Registration Database downloaded 9/28/2023), 3 Excel Files "A thru H" 499,999 records; "H thru R" 499,998 and "R thru Z" 318,944 records. Posted "ballots" for election: First file 267,748; Second file 262,896; Third file 170,925

And, in each file 14% of ballots "drawn" were voted Absentee.

In each file 50% of ballots "drawn" were voted via Early Voting

In each file 36% of ballots "drawn" were voted Election Day

With different percentages and different numbers of ballots "drawn", the elections of Nov. 2018, Nov. 2020 and even the "Local Elections" of 2023 follow a similar pattern. The books look cooked.

I have always been intrigued by the Shingle algorithm. A.P. Thank you for your amazing work and insights. I hope you are feeling better and getting some sleep.

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"The purpose of the Shingle is to segregate existing records that had been purged before the implementation date of the 4 algorithms"

But if those records existed before, wouldn't they carry the same SBOEID and county ID as before? Or are you saying that they were assigned new numbers at that point, which I guess would have been unnoticed by outside parties since the records were already purged? In any case, I'm not quite following you here.

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The state ID number system was implemented at the same time as the algorithms. Until then, voters had county voter ID numbers only. The algorithms were used to determine which State ID of the 99,999,999 available would be assigned to existing voters (Spiral, Metronome, and Shingle) and which assigned to new voters (Tartan).

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Jul 8Liked by Andrew Paquette, PhD

I am worried about the migraine. These electronics out here are "frying" over power surges, we suspect. We need to invent "a natural" surge protector for your brain!

Do you think this is tied to the state numbers not starting until after 3,306,104, purged records "waiting in ambush"? I am just mulling, voltage steady as usual. Thank you!

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Jul 8Liked by Andrew Paquette, PhD

Ah, gotcha. That makes sense.

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More awesomeness, Dr. Zark. GaveMartin adds a lot of value here, too. Both of you wizards have my deep respect and appreciation. Thank You.

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As you peel back the onion, I worry for your health. Even Claude seems to understand the need for some insiders to come forward, to assist. However, I don't see that in the cards.

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