For the patriots falsely imprisoned for simply exercising their right to protest a stolen election, there needs to be 1) freedom 2) accountability from those who falsely accused and imprisoned them and 3) MOST Importantly - restitutions to them and their families. They need to be made whole again in every sense of the word. All Americans need to beat the "restitution" drum for these red-bloodied American patriots who were falsely accused and imprisoned. They deserve no less from us, though they ask for nothing.

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Nice article, thank you. The media is a big part of the problem.

I just read Dr. Corsi's article and disagree with him. The experts on Washington and Politics need to clear their minds. They distract from problems as well as the media does. They Love Washington and Politics. It is sometimes their "bread & butter".

I am glad Dr. Corsi doesn't waste his time on the internet babble of "Big Mike" and "the Obamas are headed for divorce" content. There is a lot of it. My consternation stems from people not using their senses to see that whether it is Kamala or Michelle, these women do not want the job. Michelle has complained publicly about how she almost divorced Barack because he was going on with life as usual after they had become parents. Really??? She shows up at everything wanting to become the "latest" in fashion. Kamala does not want her lipstick to show on her white coffee cup lid...can you please make them out of black plastic(?). You don't have to watch them long. They just aren't into the "work part" of it. I look at them and try to calculate the time they spend on "outfit" selections and in the make-up chair. They remind me of the talking heads of media.

Dan Bongino said on his podcast, "Michelle Obama has ZERO interest in being President. She hates politics." That's what my eyes tell me. I see Michelle as a type of women I have known who wants to bitch and moan and dress up. I see Kamala as bummed that she has to be the "front man" because she loves the money, clothes, drivers and wine. These ladies seem to be "lite lunch" to me. As I said, I have seen the "type". They are not worker bees. Their "ambitions" need to be supported by someone else.

The algorithms don't cheat on the races. The whole point, after looking at this for 4 years, is that there are NO races. Everyone should at least be on the same page with that by now. How sad for the Washington and Politics lovers.

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Newt Gingrich has recently reminded us of President Abraham Lincoln’s words: “With public sentiment, anything is possible; without public sentiment, nothing is possible.”

I would like to see a grassroots effort by everyday citizens who 1) know the basics of what Dr. Paquette has discovered with respect to the algorithms and 2) then decide to gently articulate those findings in simple colloquial speech among their friends and associates and even via a concerted effort on talk shows and other public means to disabuse and properly inform citizens who are currently clueless to these things so we have an 80%+ public sentiment to remedy the problem once and for all for both us and our progeny.

That and push back publicly and assertively against the unrepentant media whenever they try to gaslight and manipulate the public with their carefully crafted narratives.

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Dr. Paquette’s basic findings have some persuasive power in part because of their two part nature—

Some people argue that clones in the rolls could be from negligence, laziness, or typical government incompetence in keeping the rolls clean (though this can’t explain the large numbers).

But negligence, incompetence, and laziness cannot explain the algorithms/encoding in the rolls.

Large numbers of clones and unnecessary, unexplained encoding are, to a virtual certainty, pieces of a tool too valuable to go unused. It is naive to the point of foolishness to assume anything else.

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Do you see any reason why President Trump won’t bring up Dr. Paquette’s findings publicly and demand that these problems be resolved before the midterm elections? As I recall, he was working on this (generally) in his first term but then abruptly stopped. It is high time to expose and repair the elections process snafu once and for all (and he seemed to have campaigned on this as well).

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Without saying too much, Trump knows about my research and steps are being taken.

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Although thought control media has lost all credibility except with the hopelessly ignorant the justice department and officials should expose and prosecute all involved in election fraud regardless of the media’s favorable coverage or permission!

Are we a country that follows laws or what makes the lack of credibility media and brainwashing institutions happy?

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Focusing on media influence misses the point. The inconvenient truth is we are all much more prone to manipulation than we like to think. AI has a significant role to play in revealing this.

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very constructive, thanks.

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Won t happen , libs will lie until they die

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You might be surprised. Trump can be very persuasive. Witness the Columbian president's recent change of heart regarding accepting flights of illlegal immigrants.

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