Sep 14Liked by Andrew Paquette, PhD

I'm really enjoying hearing your thoughts and seeing your art. Thank you. Blessings.

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Sep 14Liked by Andrew Paquette, PhD

Some Christians get wound around the axle with respect to the sabbath. It's important to remember that Jesus said that the sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath. The sabbath is a gift from God. It's a day when you don't have to feel naughty for not doing anything because it's a command from God to observe it. I think God cares not one whit for which day you observe it on. Do it on Monday if that's better for you, but that said, I do think it's wise to gather with other believers on that day to strengthen your faith and relationships.

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Sep 18Liked by Andrew Paquette, PhD


We simply enjoy doing Bible study with our neighbors (soon to be parents). They are our children's ages, we are their parent's ages. Brought together because the Holy Spirit moved me to call in to a secular radio station and speak about The Last Days. For whatever reason the radio host allowed me to talk an unusually long period of time....OFF TOPIC!?!?!?!?

... My NEWLY moved-in neighbor happened to be listening and when he got home asked me if that was me on the radio.

Friday we will study Revelation chapter 19.


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Sep 14Liked by Andrew Paquette, PhD

I find your religious travels fascinating. I see God within you and the Holy Spirit guiding you.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Andrew Paquette, PhD

Thank you Lord for faith, without it we cannot please Him. Abiding brings fruit. Shalom, Shalom

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I like the thought of keeping the Sabbath Day Holy (which I no longer practice now). Spending time with friends, family, nature and spiritual contemplation is refreshing.

Years ago, it might have seemed a wasted day that accomplishments could have been achieved. But in the present day...

Saving money from expenditures 1 Day a week. Resting up from most likely working too much. Also, those much needed breaks from doing analysis and research that the Government should have been doing. Taking a Sabbath Day every week is just what God has ordered for our well-being! (Play on words: Just what the Doctor has ordered).

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It has been said that the New Testament is concealed in the Old, and the Old Testament is revealed in the New. The word testament can also be exchanged with covenant. Now if Jesus has established the new covenant as written in chapter 8 of the letter to the Hebrews, would it make more sense to observe a day of rest and family on “The Lord’s Day” (Sunday)? (Recall the account of the old dietary restrictions no longer being in place in St. Peter’s vision in Acts 10:9ff too.)

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I like the original docs:

Josephus: But what more than all else incited them to the war was an ambiguous oracle, likewise found in their sacred scriptures, to the effect that at that time one from their country would become ruler of the world. This they understood to mean someone of their own race, and many of their wise men went astray in their interpretation of it. The oracle, however, in reality signified the sovereignty of Vespasian, who was proclaimed Emperor on Jewish soil.

Matthew 27:24-26 The Passion Translation (TPT)

After washing his hands in front of the people, he said, “I am innocent of the blood of this righteous man. The responsibility for his death is now yours!” And the crowd replied, “Let his blood be on us and on our children!”

-- The first is old fashioned Roman propaganda. The second, well, it's a lot worse.

-- But I guess you were talking about a different part of this history.

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Very nicely said .... OR.... heel goed gezegd

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