Sep 16Liked by Andrew Paquette, PhD

Thank you for your work on this!

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Sep 16Liked by Andrew Paquette, PhD

I want to learn how to help you on voter rolls! Then you can go paint in the desert or swim in a pool at Mar-a-lago!

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Sep 19Liked by Andrew Paquette, PhD

Thank you for your fantastic work! :-)

Just a quick note: I wanted to download the report, but it seems that the link to GodsFiveStones.com is broken (PHP error message). Do you know how to get it in some other way?

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Please pardon the language, but Bongino said this when Tucker interviewed him last week:

"You have to do things that suck." because he agrees with "The Natural" by Bernard Malamud when a character says "...the path to happiness is through suffering." He further states that the brain is wired to earn every ounce of happiness.

It has been a very long 4 years of doing things that "suck." I feel the same way you do about researching.

I see a huge "banked balance" in Your ledger labeled "doing things that suck." I am confident that the time will come soon when you will be able to draw on that balance and immensely enjoy the happiness certain activities bring you. Thank you for being so disciplined. Don't know what we would do without you.

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Thanks. I'm probably thinking about this right now because both of my shoulders are hurting enough that I'm not sure how I can do all the typing I have to do this week. I have another peer-reviewed article in the works, and a deadline of the 27th to get the revisions done for publication.

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Sep 17Liked by Andrew Paquette, PhD

Typing and operating a mouse are so unnatural. It makes me unhappy that your arms are kept too busy doing those things instead of painting and drawing (not electronically). And, I know you know it ends up affecting your entire body. I have been catching myself slouching. I am aghast! I have never slouched. It is working at the computer and my not as sharp vision doing it.

Please take lots of breaks. I knit during my breaks. It is different than typing and makes me happy. I am also loading my coffee with nutmeg. That has helped a lot, definitely an acquired taste.

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Be very careful with Corsi. He has exposed himself as being on the wrong side of the whole struggle against the curuption...

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How so? 🤔

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You are definitely getting better at this. I hope you can continue. Thanks for your effort.

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I like how you mentioned “DIR” in MS-DOS. Ah, the good old days of MS-DOS 6.22 (remember loading* that from floppy disks? -- now THOSE were the geeky days of commands typed at the “C:\” and “A:\” prompts)!


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