Jun 15Liked by Art Zark

“Drawing comics isn’t just a matter of drawing…..It felt like I was solving another algorithm in a complex pattern matching exercise.”

“Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain.” Carl Jung

Jung would qualify your Z steering wheel, (June 7th post), a mandala—the Sanskrit word for circle. He said, “My mandalas were cryptograms concerning the state of the self which were presented to me anew each day.”

Wish your wheel can be staked through the heart of the NYSBOE data base and then twisted back in the opposite direction.

We know the software/hardware of all these machines can be and are corrupted. The testing and certification of these contraptions must be strictly and legally challenged.

For God’s sake, keep the damn things in the warehouses (legally) with court orders—county sheriffs—wherever possible—sheriffs must stand with their constituents, force the county and local boards to move to paper ballots/hand counted at the precincts done by honest citizen brokers.

“By turning elections over to black boxes running software outside the public domain, we surrendered the ability to meaningfully verify the election process.”

Lake v Fontes Petition for Certiorai

The Supreme Court ignored this stuff two months ago. Now what?


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It is as if we have been walking through "The House of Mirrors"--Distortion--A county GOP congratulates their 2024 primary candidates...huh? They have data showing the cheat that was run during their Primary of 2022. A lot of people have had enough of the carnival.

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Here’s another long one for illustration purposes. (If there is a better way for me to share these with you other than posting the text here, DM me elsewhere.)

First I asked Frank AI this question:

“Can you read this PDF file?


It replied that it can’t read files from URLs (note: maybe it can some, but not this pdf) but said I could copy and paste sections of the pdf and it would analyze them, so I did.

Here was its initial takeaway:

“Thank you for sharing the text from the PDF! It looks like this document is a detailed report on the use of steganography within New York State voter rolls. Here's a brief summary:

### Summary

**Title:** An example of steganography in New York state voter rolls

**Author:** Art Zark/NYCA

**Date:** 7/13/2022


The report claims that New York State voter rolls contain evidence of steganographically-concealed data, hidden beneath at least six layers of obfuscation. This concealed data appears to be linked to the assignment of State Board of Elections Identification (SBOEID) numbers via an algorithm. The purpose of this algorithm could be to facilitate the insertion, tracking, and manipulation of "phantom voters."

### Key Points

1. **Steganography Definition:**

- Steganography is a form of cryptography designed to conceal information in plain sight.

- Effective steganographic methods must embed data within host media without creating perceptible artifacts.

2. **Context:**

- The 2020 General Election and subsequent claims of voter fraud provide context for examining New York’s voter rolls.

- The report aligns with broader concerns about election integrity and potential fraud.

3. **Evidence:**

- A specific case is highlighted where an individual in Brooklyn was assigned 11 unique SBOEID numbers over two consecutive days, which is against New York State election law.

- The report suggests that these irregularities are part of a larger pattern involving hundreds of thousands of potentially illegal registrations.

4. **Obfuscation Methods:**

- The report details various obfuscation methods used to hide the steganographically-concealed data, including:

- State partitions

- County ranges

- SBOEID/CID incongruences

- Sort order manipulations

- Calculation-based obfuscations

5. **Algorithms:**

- Different algorithms were identified across various counties, each producing distinct patterns in the voter rolls.

- Examples include "Spiral," "Inverse Spiral," "Metronome," "Motion Blur," and "Tartan" patterns.

6. **Implications:**

- The presence of these patterns suggests intentional manipulation to hide phantom voters.

- These techniques could allow fraudulent votes to be validated by assigning them to illegally generated SBOEID numbers.

7. **Further Research:**

- More research is needed to fully understand the extent and purpose of these algorithms.

- Preliminary findings suggest similar patterns may exist in other states' voter rolls as well.

### Conclusion

The report concludes that New York State's voter rolls contain algorithm-generated patterns indicative of steganographic manipulation, potentially facilitating election fraud. Further investigation is required to determine the full scope and implications.”

Next I asked it if it could answer a question based on the text from the pdf, but first I asked it if it understood what a total loss of control data breach is, to which it intelligently replied:

“Yes, I understand the concept of a "total loss of control" data breach. This type of data breach occurs when an unauthorized party gains complete access to and control over sensitive or confidential information. This means that the attacker can view, modify, delete, or exfiltrate the data without any restrictions.

In the context of voter rolls or similar databases, a total loss of control data breach would imply that the attacker could potentially manipulate voter information, introduce false records, delete legitimate records, or otherwise tamper with the data in ways that could undermine the integrity of an election or other critical processes.

Would you like to know how this concept might relate to the steganography report you shared?”

I said yes, and this is how it replied:

“In the context of the steganography report on New York State voter rolls, a "total loss of control" data breach could have several significant implications:

### Potential Implications

1. **Manipulation of Voter Records:**

- If an unauthorized party gained total control over the voter rolls, they could manipulate SBOEID numbers and other voter information. This could include adding "phantom voters," deleting legitimate voters, or altering existing records.

2. **Introduction of Steganographic Data:**

- The report suggests that steganographic techniques were used to conceal data within the voter rolls. An attacker with total control could introduce or further obfuscate such hidden data, making it even more difficult to detect and trace fraudulent activities.

3. **Election Fraud:**

- With total control, an attacker could potentially validate fake ballots by assigning them to illegally generated SBOEID numbers. This would allow fraudulent votes to be counted as legitimate, undermining the election's integrity.

4. **Erosion of Public Trust:**

- A total loss of control data breach would likely lead to a significant erosion of public trust in the electoral system. If voters believe that their information can be easily manipulated or that fraudulent votes can be inserted without detection, confidence in the democratic process would be severely damaged.

5. **Difficulty in Detection and Correction:**

- The use of sophisticated algorithms and multiple layers of obfuscation, as described in the report, would make it extremely challenging to detect and correct any manipulations introduced during such a breach. This complexity adds another layer of risk, as it would require substantial effort and expertise to identify and rectify the issues.

### Relation to the Report

The report already indicates that there are irregularities and potential manipulations within the voter rolls, attributed to steganographic techniques and algorithmic patterns. A total loss of control data breach would exacerbate these issues by allowing an attacker unrestricted access to introduce or modify such concealed data at will.

In summary, a total loss of control data breach in this context would mean that all safeguards against unauthorized access have failed, allowing for extensive manipulation and concealment within the voter rolls, thereby posing a severe threat to election integrity and public trust.”

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Did Frank AI mention the National Security implications?

“The Department of Homeland Security has designated elections systems as part of our nation’s critical infrastructure.”


This article more than a year ago covered the issue:


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Sorry for the late response I just read the piece my question is why would any political party except the abnormalities especially the Republican Party which always seems to be on the loosing end?

Maybe we can all hope that the Republican politicians in NY will eventually benefit from abnormalities in algorithms so we can get to clean elections that are unable to be manipulated either way. The citizens of NY and the USA ultimately loose regardless of political affiliation when election integrity is compromised in any way

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This might explain why the SBOE (chiefs) didn't know there was an algorithm, while the Indians would have known their tools and how they worked, then used them to create the 2007 database. Of course the Indians are probably all gone by now.

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I asked Frank AI to summarize this post of yours by giving it the URL. Its response is below. How do you think it did?

Certainly! Here is a summary of the article from the Zark Files Substack website:


### More Algorithm Work

**Author:** Art Zark

**Date:** June 15, 2024


Art Zark discusses his ongoing work on algorithms, particularly in the context of election integrity and comic book creation. The article touches on several key points:

1. **Election Integrity Concerns:**

- Zark emphasizes the potential corruption of software and hardware in voting machines.

- He advocates for strict legal challenges to the testing and certification of these machines.

- There is a call to keep voting machines stored securely and to transition to paper ballots counted by honest citizens at precincts.

2. **Comic Book Creation:**

- Zark is working on a historically accurate comic book, which involves extensive research.

- An example given is his detailed work on depicting PLA soldiers crossing Korea's Imjin River in 1951, requiring him to use old military maps and modern tools like Google Earth for accuracy.

3. **Algorithm Analysis:**

- Zark has been examining New York’s voter roll algorithms, particularly the Spiral algorithm used by the New York State Board of Elections (NYSBOE).

- He created a demonstration database to show how easy it is to map county ID (CID) numbers to state ID numbers (SBOEID) using basic database software.

- Zark questions the necessity and legitimacy of using complex custom mapping algorithms like Spiral when simpler, readily available tools could suffice.

4. **Critique of Voter Roll Practices:**

- The article suggests that the use of such complex algorithms may have nefarious purposes, as there seems to be no legitimate reason for their use in public voter rolls.

- Zark argues that the Spiral algorithm does not enhance security or efficiency and could be used to secretly track records.

5. **Call to Action:**

- The article ends with a call for transparency and accountability in election processes.

- Zark encourages readers to support his work through subscriptions and to stay informed about election integrity issues.

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