Jun 23Liked by Art Zark

Enter Mike Lindell

In an effort to proactively catch fraud at the polls, Mike Lindell/Cause of America/et al are urging voters, where they can, to request by-mail ballots and not open them or cast them—but rather bring the pristine envelope to your precinct on Election Day—sign in to vote and if you are told you already voted then show your un-cast ballot—take legal action in the moment with police or sheriff deputies present on scene, the voter claims identity theft??

Can the spotlight of truth scurry the roaches? Can the power of the Lawsuit deter or at least dampen the will of the usual suspects.

Will the beat go on in Pennsylvania. They stole it in 2020. They did again in 2022.

Enter Marly:

On Tuesday June 18, 2024, In The United States District Court For The Middle District Of Pennsylvania, United Sovereign Americans filed a Petition For Relief In The Form Of A Writ Of Mandamus.

Petitioners seek relief via the All Writs Act 28 U.S. Code § 1361 - an Action to compel an officer of the United States to Perform His/ Her Duty.

The purpose of this Petition is to stop them from stealing it again in Pennsylvania 2024.


The people have Standing to bring this filing under Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of The US Constitution—The Necessary and Proper Clause.

Through Article I, Congress passed HAVA, thereby making accurate voting systems a requirement in order to uphold the right of the people to choose their representatives.

Enter Hoopes and Stenstrom:

(And much more to come from these two)

In an effort to, perhaps, keep the machines in the warehouses or at least limit the damage they will do in 2024, they filed suit in US District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania. The federal lawsuit, names Delaware County PA defendant.


Since this link appears to be broken or tampered with?? Here is some of that brief:

“Plaintiffs have been stripped of their fundamental Constitutional and Civil Rights.”

“Without secure-build validation/hash testing and post canvas activities, voting machine systems can be tampered with.”

“The Pennsylvania 25 P.S. Election Code § 1111 specifically states that the “custodian and deputy custodians of voting machines” are solely responsible for the certification of election machines and sworn attestation of certifications and testing that are provided to the state.”

“The Defendants (and other counties in Pennsylvania) (and the nation), have created political officer “Directors of Elections” and like fictional roles with no statutory authority for the purpose of subverting and violating federal and state election laws, Pennsylvania Act 77, unilateral adjudication of open public records laws for election records, and unlawfully conduct election machine certifications, logic and accuracy testing, and unlawfully sign attestations for the state.”

“Defendants’ selected Marianne Jackson as “Interim Director of Elections” to run the

November 2020 federal election in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, for $20,000 per month with full knowledge that Jackson had absolutely no experience in elections nor any other related experience. Jackson admitted as much, and stated her only experience in elections was as a voter.”

“Marianne Jackson’s role was administrative as evidenced by her not signing sworn attestation of certification and logic and accuracy testing in the November 2020 election.”

“Defendants then hired Director of Elections Allen shortly after the November 2020 elections, who was previously the public Communications Officer for elections in Cook County (Chicago), Illinois, who is now providing (or not providing) false attestations of election machine certifications and logic and accuracy testing since.”

“Defendants hired James Savage (hereinafter “Savage”) for the statutory role of custodian of election machines shortly before the November 2020 elections. Savage was the former President of the Philadelphia US Steel Workers Union, Vice Chair of the Democrat Party, and a political activist who had openly advocated for President Trumps removal from office and imprisonment.”

“Savage did NOT conduct, or sign sworn attestation for, certification and testing of election machines, as required by statutory law.”

On November 5th, 2020, Savage inserted dozens of USB v-cards uploading hundreds of thousands of votes into election tabulation servers two days after the election with no chain of custody, or auditable pedigree that those votes had emanated certified election machines (with secure-build validation/hash testing), with no way for the election management system (“EMS”) to electronically determine if they were authentic.”

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I'm glad to see this case filed, and wish Marly and USA success with it. This election won't be won or lost with one idea, but by as many skirmishes as possible, in as many places as possible, relentless, honest, and unforgiving.

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Hoopes and Stenstrom are rock solid as is Marly. Mike continues to lead us to see what we all can do. It is totally maddening that AZ continues to "monkey around". The only bright spot I see there is the Governor, who stole the election, is going to be investigated for corruption. 15 watt Katie Hobbs.


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Jun 23Liked by Art Zark

An excellent statement of the problem. One mitigation effort of which you may not be aware. is the effort of True-the -Vote (TTV). The entire country's voter registration databases have been put online. An application called IV3 was developed that provides a county's data to a county rep (me for Tioga County NY). The app compares the address portion of the voter role to NCOA's current output, produces and flags discrepancies, further, checks the forward registration at the new address and provides the end user with a way to challenge and comment, which are output via CSV. This data is then sent to the county BOE for their use. The downside is that NY does not have a "challenge rule", so the BOE can say "pound salt". Approximately 20,000 people are using IV3 in their respective counties across the country. Large counties may have several evaluators who are managed by ProjectCivica. As an example, Tioga Co (which is relatively clean -- you rated #5/62) had 23,844 registered, 1159 potential challenges, and I challenged 374.

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Jun 23Liked by Art Zark

No matter how you slice it Art, dems are gonna cheat like mad. We really must sue every election official if they don’t remove voters living in empty lots , churches , and other place where nobody lives. Class action lawsuits that overwhelm their insurance bonds and makes the official liable for damages may be the ticket.

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I agree, but feel that any successful strategy has to prioritize fraud prevention. Without meaningful backup from law enforcement, after the fact measures are less likely to succeed.

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A clear summary of the looming, looking-to-be fraudulent November 2024 elections. That said, it is equally possible that some providential intervention will arise and surprise.

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Dr. Zark, one of the apps I got from the AppAdvice app (which lists otherwise paid apps when they temporarily go free) is called Part2 and is a trainable AI. This app allows you to make “tellers,” i.e., AI chatbots that you “train” by providing URLs, pictures or text on a particular subject.

Would you be ok if I made a “teller” AI and gave it the URLs to this substack and its articles? It could be a “Zarkfiles” chatbot and you or others could eventually ask it questions to see what kinds of answers it gives.

If you’re ok with the idea, do you have a preference on which order of articles i should give to it? Should I start with the oldest and input the URLs to each newer one, or should I start with the newest and input the URLs to each slightly older one, or are there key articles in particular you’d want used to “train” it with?

I’m a paid user so I can see everything, but I’m assuming it won’t be able to see the paid articles by itself. (I could possibly do some kind of workaround(s) for those (like direct input, or screenshots, etc.).)

I just thought it best to ask you first because if you don’t care for the idea I won’t do anything further. I just thought this might be something interesting to have available and to see how it would handle the information.

So what is your feedback?

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