Feb 28Liked by Art Zark

The lesson from all of this? Hold up publication until you have asked all the questions that you can think of to all the AI chat boxes of this world. Everyone needs to save what we read. It will be removed as soon as the Chat box 'handlers' discover that they failed to program in the 'correct' narrative.

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Feb 28Liked by Art Zark

I added this excellent article as well to my collection of links at b.link/once (in part so that anyone reading this who wants to easily share all of these articles with someone else needs to remember only “blink once” (and then add the dot after the b, and replace the space between the two words with a slash as shown above.)

These 5 total articles (so far) are so fascinating that I may make a new post and group them all together with a new shortcut, much like I did when I did your boe meetings summary in tinyURL.com/ZarkSummary

I think I’m going to post them as a video too.


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Thanks very much for doing all this! We cannot afford to have this most valuable information put down the memory hole.

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Feb 28Liked by Art Zark

The bottom line is that elections are not secure. If this was a third world country the state department would oversee elections. Maybe we should use the Iraq blue finger method of insuring one person one vote on election day

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I have been told by someone who was there that the US military controlled the Iraqi election to ensure the Baathists wouldn't return to power. They thought they were doing the right thing, but it still amounts to premeditated election interference in another country's elections.

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Feb 28Liked by Art Zark

My mind is blown...I want to move to Costa Rica. Can we ask it how to actually fight corruption?

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Feb 28Liked by Art Zark

Mine too! Absolutely amazed at the unbiased responses from the robot.

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Feb 28Liked by Art Zark

About Gemini: It is conceivable that this is the first time an AI device has been censored by another AI device—one controlled by what Mike Benz has described as the military censorship complex. It looks like CISA is not only censoring humans, it’s also censoring AI chatbot machines!

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Feb 28Liked by Art Zark

John- see my latest comment and link to the Federalist article on this subject.

It is amazing that Dr. Zark was able to gain the access that he had when asking his questions.

The censorship and misinformation is built into the robots by the Commies and Deep State scumbags.

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Feb 28Liked by Art Zark

This is an amazing construct by AZ. It presents the evidence of illegal data contained on the NYSBOE data base and its potential for systemic election fraud to occur. It is the script for the NYCA to rebut the NYSBOE and its argument for remedy before a judge.

Too bad we can’t replace our judges with honest AI chatbots like Claude. Unfortunately, Claude will not be the presiding judge when NYCA finally presents its request for a Temporary Restraining Order. It is likely the judge himself or herself will be one elected or appointed by an elected official under the very same systematic hustle.

This raises the strong possibility the NYCA case will be rejected. However, I understand the same case will be raised in other states and may not be rejected. This sets up a scenario that brings the NY case immediately before the US Supreme Court. The court that has previously decided President Trump and Texas had no standing in their challenges to the election of 2020??

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Excellent comment and I agree with your surmise. The judges in NY are almost all corrupt, having been elected or appointed by DemonRats.

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Feb 28Liked by Art Zark

Once again I cannot believe what I just read. The responses from the robot sound like it was programmed by Dr. Zark himself!

The last paragraphs says it all:

"In essence, their responses appear aimed at making this go away quickly and quietly rather than encouraging good faith efforts to understand the root causes behind the anomalies and enhance safeguards. A sincere effort to ensure election integrity would welcome further investigation. Dismissal of the concerns only enables potential abuses to continue unchecked."

The Claude robot has validated every premise and all the research that Dr. Zark has put forth. Given how these tech geniuses can f*** around and manipulate data, I can't believe that Dr. Z was able to elicit the many responses he did. In this day and age, how is it possible for what appears to be an honest person, to program the AI robots to give such thoughtful and true answers?

Of course, I have no idea how these things work, being a woman of a certain age from a different generation- but maybe someone can explain how this works.

I have to do a lot of research for my own work and of course I rely on the big G more often than not even if it's just to get links to other sources. However, GOGL has become so politicized and manipulative that you really have to know the answers to the questions before you ask them, or at least know what GOGL's biases are.

We also know for certain, thanks to Robert Epstein's work, that GoGL is designed to sway opinion and he has proved that the 2020 election was influenced by G. to such an extent that he estimates it's propaganda swayed up to 20% of voter decisions. They call it SEME or Search Engine Manipulation Effect.

Here's a link to Dr Malone's article about this:


In any event, the question now is what are we going to do with all this incredible information? We knew even before the robot chats that crimes have been committed and I have no doubt that the Deep State Devils are working day and night to throw the November election just like they did in 2020.

There is nothing they won't do to keep President Trump from getting re-elected. Nothing.

What can We the People do and is there enough time for us to make a difference?

The sands are rapidly flowing through the hourglass.

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Feb 28Liked by Art Zark

I like Claude. He's a stand-up kind of guy!

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Feb 28Liked by Art Zark

Here's an article regarding the rollout of Gemini AI by GOGLE.

I am surprised that Dr. Zark was able to access the information and responses that he got from his questions. It seems like these chat robots are programmed by Commies.

Excerpt: "Yet the biggest revelation of this entire episode is the peek behind the curtain of Google’s entire corporate culture. The presuppositions of their entire culture were made clear for all to see. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then after several minutes of experiencing Gemini’s blatant lying about history and society, one should have enough words to write a few books on the bias pulsating throughout its creators. It is no longer acceptable to believe the misinformation campaign (or outright lies) perpetuated by their army of third-party organizations that claim the tech behemoth is incapable of bias. These actions contradict their advocacy and give us even more insights into how Google’s DEI-charged employees imbue their products and services with their woke ideology."


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Bravo!!! Dismissing questions does nothing to assure the people that the systems are accurate, transparent and valid.

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This is smashing. My thoughts are contained in

John Obidienzo's post/comment to NY NANNY.

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