This was a wonderful video that was "Fun for the Whole Family" !! I like the Trump Conversation (a bit on comics and war scenes). My wife will probably like the Ginger K-Vita (I'll need to get that for her to try). My son certainly the comic with regard to the process of how it's illustrated! My daughter loved to draw. This might get her back to being involved in that. I'm curious the Digitizer Tablet used and can you see your drawing through it. I can't imagine you're moving your hand to draw, while looking up or left to your screen cursor?

BTW, you're not alone in the Teetotaler circles. My wife never really drank. I pretty much gave up after turning 21 (34 years ago). My youngest children are raised and follow not drinking. I think many begin to see what Alcohol introduces into life situations and scenarios. Same as the situations that Drugs, Tobacco, Gambling and pornography can cause.

I've been educated more by your video.

Final Comment: I think as we know Trump has done great deeds that he doesn't tell others about. I realize much of what he's blamed for as conceited, he MUST take credit for. Otherwise, others "STEAL" the credit as their own. Politics is a WORLD of taking credit, and I'd think Donald Trump does this in the least! Obama did that from a "reverse psychology" level with the "You Didn't Build That" mentality! A great trump example would be the a Judge Joe Brown video (TUW Media: July 1, 2020) talking about a Younger Donald Trump giving out Loans to Black Entrepreneurs that couldn't obtain funding in other places. (The only reference I have is Wendy Bell Radio 5/27/24) ** Looks like the video is starting to be removed from media sources !!**

I looked one up and I think its:


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I shared this in my substack NOTES... I don't really know what that is and it's the first time doing so! Hope that's okay! -Mo

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I always enjoy your talks, especially when drawing since I have no skill in this area. Your take on the Trump decision is quite interesting. As you talked, I thought of the rule of law being a polynomial of many terms. The Trump trial allowed many of the mathematical operators to be changed as well as some of the terms, thus invalidating the equation. The polynomial equals your process wrecking discussion.

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Michael Cohen plea bargained to several crimes for a lesser sentence. His plea deal included him pleading guilty to a campaign finance violation, which, turns out, was a legal Non Disclosure Agreement, not a crime.

The judge allowed the prosecution to put in to evidence that Cohen pled guilty to a campaign finance violation, but then denied the defense calling an expert witness to explain there was no violation. The prosecution made Trump the accomplice of Cohen through his erroneous admission to a campaign finance crime.

Thumbs up to the clubbing illustration with soothing commentary. It reflects my own contempt for the Merchan Court.

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