Jul 7Liked by Andrew Paquette, PhD

I’m convinced that we need to convert all our voter databases into electronic ledgers. Instead of just seeing a snapshot of current voter status, we need a ledger to be able to answer what changed, when was it changed, and under whose authority it was changed. None of those questions can be answered by a typical database. All of them could be answered by a secure ledger (e.g. blockchain-ish, though not using cryptocurrency blockchains). Every change to the voter status, including initial registration, deactivations, reactivations, changes of address, purges, reversals of purges, etc., would be captured in a publicly retrievable ledger. This would provide the public transparency necessary to have any kind of faith in our election system.

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We’ve been trying to make that a law in Ohio. But it’s getting beat down by democrats, those beholding to democrats, and county Boards Of Election. Either they’re highly ignorant of facts or they like it just fine that the changes are hard to track and impossible to know who made them. (They don’t want their cheat mechanisms disabled.)

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I'm convinced that we just need to start a drumbeat of "If you aren't for these transparency and security changes to our election system, you're on the side of fraud." We need to name names and demand transparency and security. Every part of the election system needs full transparency by the public. Nothing should be off limits.

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I've tangentially followed the progress of the EI group(s) in NY, and the analysis regarding multiple algorithms is amazing! Thank you for sharing this! I'm going to pass this on to other EI groups I interface with.

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In Ohio we can see similar weirdness, but haven’t identified a particular algorithm. In our gut, we feel what Claude is saying has to be true.

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"Boom!", as the people say.

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How I wish Elon Musk would see this article and comment. I'm not on X, but I understand that he's recently posted that all electronic machines for voting should end. Dr. Zark, it appears that you were ahead of the curve of Claude's intelligence! Claude's analysis and conclusions being ideas you've speculated upon over the past years now. Interesting to know of this "corroboration" and refinement of expression via Claude. Thank you for your [prolific] service to our country and state.

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Exponentially "WOW!". Thank you! I hope sleep finally came.

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Wow, an AI assisted artist. Your productivity is greatly enhanced. I was particularly intrigued by the cross-county possibilities. I wonder if this doesn't confirm Dr. Douglas Frank's analysis, where he predicts every county's vote in a state, by a six-order polynomial. It certainly appears that PURGED records can become UN-purged, and potentially moved under some SBOE or fraudulent control.

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This will make a great science fiction movie someday. Oops, it's not fiction! The truth is stranger than fiction. I'm not being sarcastic. Thank you thank you Zark

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