Mar 31Liked by Art Zark

I watched the interview Tucker did with Steve Nikoui, the Gold Star Father of Kareem (who was killed during the Afghanistan withdrawal). Steve was the man who shouted out and was arrested during the second State of the Union Address in Congress read by Jill's husband. The interview was so painful to watch I almost didn't continue to watch. However, in listening to the full story, you know God filled the congressional chamber that night. And, as millions watched, the "officials" knew it too.

I believe it is why the White House continues these feeble attempts to provoke all of us that see the "writing on the shades". They only pull these stunts when they maintain strict control of the audience or are shielded from the audience. It shows their weakness.

We are so blessed that you have the "memory of an elephant" and take great notes (2005 was a long time ago!). Thank you! Happy Easter!

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Apr 1Liked by Art Zark

You can fool voters by patronization

but you can’t fool the Almighty and you can’t hide from his inevitable wrath

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You can’t cancel Jesus !

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They are Godless their evil is astounding 😔

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As if we need more proof that Satan resides in the White House.

FJB needs an exorcism although it may not be possible to remove all the devils that husk of a human contains.

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He is risen, indeed!

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A very sad story, but unfortunately true. The cartoon says it all. Happy Easter.

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I wish there were a catholic in charge to talk to Joe about his choices , unfortunately those in charge have seemed to have left the building. God is not one to be trifled with

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I'm curious as to the turnout they receive compared to past Easter events. I'm confident the number would be less than an Easter on a heavily rainy day there!!!

The Window shades tell me... "You Have Chosen" meaning you've already been judged! It's not my rules but rather God's decision. I just hate the thought of a sinner all through life, gets to gates of heaven and had repented just before arrival! The message on the Shades means to me... Live everyday of your life as you're being judged. Because when the music stops, and at times that can be immediately without warning, our records are there to be judged on!

They are not believers, because they don't fear reprisals for their transgressions!


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