It must be rough when someone (even with good intentions) puts you in front of the bus! I believe your findings are well founded. Enough that investigations should have happened in New York State. Additionally, New Jersey as well.

As for other states that would recognize your findings in a state we presume to be voting largely BLUE, all other states should investigate also. After all... Why manipulate vote rolls in a hugely Democrat Blue state in the first place? Maybe New York isn't as Blue as it seems?

As for other States! The Data might not be as available as NY! Like you said "a question that I haven’t been able to answer with available data."

I can really only speak of Pennsylvania. Unlike NY Voter Rolls, we don't have a history of voters if they been removed for moves, death or other cancelling reasons. Additionally, we can't even get past roll history files other that the current weekly release! Making it near impossible to investigate. But the Pa State keeps the list of all past voters Active, Inactive, deceased, cancelled, moved and removed! Something not available to the public! My speculation on this is because they can return old voters records if they move back to the State! Additionally, the celebrate voter milestones for successive voting in each election!

But absence of data and the legislative action of proper investigation prevents any finding of maleficence. Not much has been done to correct any of this. Sadly, without the ability to reconcile, investigate and access the data... The winner announced becomes the elected official, despite future findings!


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“As I explained to one person, the voter rolls contain no information on who any person votes for.”

However, not being able to tell who they voted for—of the 1,440, 674 Pennsylvania registrations that did violate election laws, for example, we know that 956,853 voted in the 2022 general election. Making that election uncertifiable. (United Sovereign Americans vs the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania).

In the NYS 2022 general election, 745,294 votes (not knowing for who those votes were cast either) were cast by ineligible or invalid registrations. Making that election uncertifiable.


Being from Pennsylvania, if you haven’t already, you might want to read this case. It’s short and sweet.


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Added note: Pa has an abundance of vote moves between identical voter records with different voter IDs. I believe this moves votes from more obvious (newer IDs) to an older and lower sequence ID and helps obscure this manipulation. It happens in multiple counties so it's not isolated!

For this type of vote moves to occur... An Algorithm would certainly come in handy! Otherwise, I can see how they'd do this in such a large scale without messing it up or leaving a trace!

Oh. BTW... Did I say that the original vote record gets removed after the swap? Hmmm. Suspicious! But it's tough to see because we don't have access to removed records like NY rolls show!


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Last comment: Having watched MB's be processed on Election Day...

I believe in 2020, in the county I watched... That if a nefarious organization had access to the digital ballots, it's possible they could know who voted MB and who they voted for (with some larger margin for error).

This is because they knew who turned in a MB and when they received the MB before ever opening an envelope! I watched in 2020 as those ballots were organized by precinct and alphabetical order. If that order remains (as volunteers were instructed to do) then any tabulation batch would identify the precinct by size, and the voter ballot by alphabet. Verifiable by comparing their voter rolls Party to be sure the alphabetic order remained!

Although the physical ballot either isn't altered or needed replaced before election day, I can see this as countering a "secret ballot".

Disclaimer: my opinion above, no hard facts to prove. Also, subsequent elections they hand shuffled by precinct before opening the envelopes. Giving an essences of secrecy I guess!


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Thanks for these corrections. I have seen both the Corsi and GWP articles and was uncomfortable with their conclusions, simply too strongly concluded. I am also familiar with Jeff O'Donnell's work and that of Mike Lindell. So, that makes great, your comment "The most important issue is that the voter roll algorithm, if it is used nefariously, is one of several necessary components to any election fraud scheme. It is important, but would require help to do everything suggested by some of my correspondents."

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Thank you for posting this.

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Check out a documentary movie Zero Days it shows what can be done with computer manipulation one political party’s candidates cozy relationship with china could be payment for interference with voting machines not to mention all of the other manipulation that is possible by the people that are “smarter and know whats best” for Americas citizens

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Seriously? Truth or lies?

“On Wednesday this week, Jerome Corsi, Ph.D., and Andrew Paquette, Ph.D., accompanied by attorney Thomas Connors of the Mendenhall Law Group in Akron, Ohio, met with the official Ohio Secretary of State’s Inquiry called to investigate Corsi’s claims that Dr. Paquette had found indisputable evidence of secret algorithms encoded into that the Ohio State Board of Elections official Ohio voter registration database with a presumed purpose of facilitating mail-in ballot fraud.”

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It's true, though I don't like the word indisputable. Almost anything can be disputed.

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So you have identified and proven algorithms in the Ohio state IDs with something other than a scatter plot?

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Scatterplots show that they have more than two ways of assigning numbers. This is indicative of an algorithm. Beyond that, there are three counties whose ID numbers cannot be what they are without superimposed control.

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If you private message me or email me the counties, our data team will do a deep dive into them to help. “Becky Bailey 99 at gmail” (no spaces).

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Bated breath here. Thank you

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you can download everything from the Ohio board of elections.

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Yes. And we do. Weekly. Both the county versions and the state version.

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I heard your name mentioned regarding that Gateway article. In case you are interested, I’m sharing the link for the show. This topic comes up at about minute 38.


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I DM’d you (on “X”) another link to a Corsi interview where he is citing your paper fyi.

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Who Added an Algorithm to New York State’s Voter Registration Roll, and Why?

By Jerome R. Corsi

Dr. Andrew Paquette, who serves as research director of the all-volunteer citizens’ group New York Citizens Audit (NYCA), has proven that New York state’s voter registration roll now contains an algorithm designed to facilitate election fraud.

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Thank you for all the amazing work you have done. I pray the fruit of your labor will be realized and justice will be served. Like you said at the end of your substack, you need the entire car and the driver of this heist.

The only solution to control this situation is to eliminate the machines all together. We must go back to paper ballots, and hand counting. I pray for our country everyday! 🙏🏻

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TGP is a news site run by man in an open sexual relationship with a younger Asian male…

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Thank you for your ongoing and excellent work! Thank you for providing clarifications. With something this complex, it's easy to have reporting be wrong.

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