I had no idea you were so accomplished! I am a graphic designer who learned to design pre-computer and never graduated from print except for a few web sites. I can understand now how your programming knowledge and creativity would allow you to see algorithms. This is your most important work. I hope you create a story to help the average Joe understand what you've found — how the rolls are being manipulated.

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Would love to help with such a story when the time is right.

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Andrew, I felt tired just reading all you've done, and I'm just amazed how you're still functioning!

Thank you for such important work as helping unearth the efforts to undermine our country. May God bless you and sustain you for all you do to preserve truth and freedom! This is a spiritual war!

Thank you!

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Μακάριος* -- you, Andrew, are 𝙗𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙙 with your God-given IQ and sustaining of life that brought you to this moment in time, and we are 𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙮 for your altruism and diligence. 🙂


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The true Super Hero is the one creating fictional ones. That would be Andrew Paquette. By the way, I'm getting excited that soon after January 20th, 2025, you may be shaving off the beard. I sense that will signify a lightening of a heavy load for you and many others. With appreciation for your astounding presence.

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Yesterday morning—hours before you posted this article—I sent an email to Fox and friends Sunday, Rachel Campos Duffy, Will Cain, Charles Hurt, in response to a segment they had just aired:

Speaking of algorithms this morning you referenced Denis Villeneuve in a Thursday LA Times article “Human beings are ruled by algorithms right now.”….”It’s frightening.”

Nothing is more frightening than having these algorithms select ‘who’ will rule over all of us.

The short article, which appears below, gives a simple explanation of what Dr. Andrew Paquette first discovered on the N.Y. State voter data base. The links are valuable to further understanding his (peer-reviewed) seminal research first initiated with https://auditny.com His research has been expanding ever since. A hidden algorithm being present on any voter registration data base, alone, is illegal.


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And then there are all those dreams...

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Something interesting happened when I read this article, and it’s related to your artwork with the bloodshot eyes. I had brushed and flossed my teeth and everything looked normal. Then I finally got to reading this article and viewing the accompanying image you drew. I finished it and posted my original comment and then got ready to retire for the evening. When I looked into the bathroom mirror again, I was surprised to see that my one eye was bloodshot -- REALLY bloodshot! Moreso than I have ever experienced before. I do remember trying to clear something by coughing and I may have coughed hard, so maybe that did it. It’s almost back to normal now. (I X DM’d you.) But it was funny because I sort of resembled your artwork!

(And I thought my having that dream about your dropping a bag around the time you actually fainted in real life (unknown to me then) was an interesting “linked” event!)

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Great backstory to show how life experiences can build and how focused energy can produce quite significant outcomes. Grateful for your prior work and current endeavors with the Spiral and other algorithms. Happy hunting and excited to learn more.

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WOW! My Electrical engineering degree while working 40-48 hours a week, seems puny

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