**UPDATED 11:48 PM^^
Couldn't agree more...
Posted in Comments-Perot Conservative on The Reactionary by Techno Fog "Donald Trump survives..."
You are incredible getting the illustration done so quickly and mirroring through President Trump (as he looked on that stage) exactly how I and probably many more are feeling right now. Thank you for the timely post.
There needs to be a reckoning. I wonder if this will be the shot heard 'round the world.
Andrew: Good job on this. For my 2¢ see <https://criticallythinking.substack.com/p/the-attempted-assasination>.
A very good summary, thank you.
I pray Jeremiah 20:11-13 over President Trump daily!
Couldn't agree more...
Posted in Comments-Perot Conservative on The Reactionary by Techno Fog "Donald Trump survives..."
You are incredible getting the illustration done so quickly and mirroring through President Trump (as he looked on that stage) exactly how I and probably many more are feeling right now. Thank you for the timely post.
There needs to be a reckoning. I wonder if this will be the shot heard 'round the world.
Andrew: Good job on this. For my 2¢ see <https://criticallythinking.substack.com/p/the-attempted-assasination>.
A very good summary, thank you.
I pray Jeremiah 20:11-13 over President Trump daily!