On November 9, 2021, I read this story on the Gateway Pundit. It was one of the earliest articles about the plight of J6 prisoners. At the time, not much was known about them. The DOJ had threatened to make arrests, and some arrests had been made. The numbers hadn’t grown to the hundreds yet. Stories of abuse were just starting to trickle out.
The November story described some of that abuse. One minor item was that prisoners weren’t allowed haircuts or a shave. That is, unless they were willing to inject themselves with a Covid-19 “vaccine”. Now known to be dangerous, the vaccines were widely suspected when they were rolled out. I hadn’t taken one, and had no intention to do it in the future.
The least I could do was to show solidarity by not getting a haircut or shaving until the J6 prisoners were released. At first it was a curiosity. It takes a while to grow a massive pile of hair on one’s face. Instead of the Lance Armstrong short hair I normally wore, and the cleanshaven face to go with it, I started looking a little older and distinguished. Before long, I looked like the absent-minded professor I was before moving to America. I’m now well on my way to looking like a character from the old west or Ancient Persia.
My idea was that the beard would remind me of the J6 prisoners every day. When I looked in the mirror every morning, I’d see a little bit into their prison cells. I wanted to be reminded how important it was to have them released.
Days, weeks, months, and years passed. The abuse suffered by J6 prisoners became worse and worse. Or, we found out about it in doses that made it seem that way. Alternatively, it started out “worse” and stayed like that. They were beaten, starved, held in solitary, one man lost an eye, they were denied surgery or other needed medical treatment, several committed suicide, many faced financial ruin, and on it went.
The J6 prisoners are to me the greatest shame I have ever felt as an American citizen. They are manifestly innocent of any crime. They were denied due process, held without charges, mistreated in custody, not given effective counsel, and were prosecuted under color of law as if the offenses they were charged with warranted the treatment they received. Notwithstanding very few had even done what was charged.
Each J6 prisoner represents every American: shackled at the will of ignominious evil. There for the purpose of intimidation, not justice. The crimes committed against them are vicious and many. The people who committed them, Capitol Police, SWAT teams, prosecutors, judges, politicians, and media, have much to answer for. I would rather have dinner with bank robbers than the loathsome scum who perpetrated the J6 prosecutions.
It is hard to imagine the J6 persecutors re-entering society as citizens in good standing. I would be very unwilling to contemplate such a thing. A SWAT team member who terrified a man’s family by arresting him at gunpoint on a freezing morning for trespassing on the Capitol lawn? His money’s no good any more. He can eat grass like Nebuchadnezzar. The prosecutor who ordered the arrest and prosecuted the innocent victim? Permanent loss of all civil rights, loss of citizenship if non-native, and a minimum 10 years in prison. The judges who oversaw the charade are no better.
God will sort it out later, but at our level, I expect something to be done. Releasing the prisoners is the first step. The second is to restore them as much as can be done. Third, justice must take a look at those who perverted it for political ends. Speaking for myself, I won’t be satisfied if the people involved were forgiven. They don’t deserve it. Besides, to learn the errors of their ways is a good thing. One way to learn is to suffer.
Meanwhile, I expect the J6 prisoners will be released on President Trump’s first day in office. He has said that the cases will be reviewed on a case by case basis. The reason is that some people did “bad things” while most did not. He doesn’t want to release the bad guys accidentally. I agree with his reasoning, but think the legal theory behind it is faulty.
It looks as if all J6 prisoners were denied due process. Good and bad. On that basis alone, I think Trump must release them all. I don’t like the idea of releasing Antifa agitators, but I also don’t like the idea of releasing one group of prisoners on the basis of a due process violation, and keeping others imprisoned despite it. Maybe he’ll keep the bad guys in for some other reason. He certainly has better legal minds at work on this than mine. This is why I voted for Trump, and trust him to do the right thing.
This is also why I think I’ll be getting a haircut and a shave in a couple of weeks. I hope so. My beard seems to catch every stray bit of food and bounces right back up my nose. My hair clogs our shower drain. On a windy day, I look like a Pantene commercial. January 22 can’t come fast enough.
When the prisoners are released, I hope parades are held in their honor. It is the very least these prisoners deserve. They need to be welcomed back into society with such a deafening and joyous welcome that every person who spoke against them slinks away in shame.
Born in 1963, I am native to the DC area and attended Gonzaga College High School, near the US Capitol. I've been all over DC, but I never went to the DC Department of Corrections: "Central Detention Facility" in SE DC until August, 2021.
I was there with another man to hold vigil and to record some video, when a prisoner was released, with long hair and long beard for refusing the Covid shot. I have photos and video.
For the record, we were told by a DC Dept of Corrections guard that we had to move from our first video shooting location, but eventually a DC cop smoothed things out for us. Also for the record, the released man needed a shower, which along with his beard and long hair spoke to the inhumanity he endured inside. He was released without any belongings, no belt, canvas shoes, his only possession a transparent plastic bag with laundry. He was told to wait for his attorney to show up, and fortunately that happened.
The DC Jail officials released this man, after half a year's detainment, without his cell phone or wallet. They released him into SE DC, 2,000 miles from his family's home, without pre-notification to his family. What if his attorney never showed up and my friend and I weren't there?
Beautiful piece. You're quite a man, in addition to all the great work you do.
This particular article had my blood boiling, and then gave me a good belly laugh. Wishing you, Sir, a haircut and a shave, ASAP.