About 8-9 days ago, I woke up with what I thought was a spider bite on my arm. It was a weird spider bite because most of my forearm felt like every nerve was exposed. Air contact was unpleasant, and anything else was painful. Over the next couple days, the super sensitive portion of my arm started creeping up and past my elbow. It also started getting very painful, like I’d jammed my elbow’s electric nerve bundle against a hard wooden table. I decided to see a doctor.
By then, there was a very small rash on my arm. The super sensitive area, and the new pains, however, where elsewhere, inches away and on different parts of my arm. The doctor looked at it and said, “this doesn’t look like any spider or insect bite I’ve ever seen. This is contact dermatitis.” He gave me a prescription, and I went home.
Over the next few days, the symptoms got worse. I developed inflammation about the size of half a chicken egg, and the pain was excruciating at times. I mentioned it to an out of state friend who happens to be a doctor. “That’s NOT contact dermatitis” she said, and diagnosed shingles. She gave me a prescription also, and it seems to be working.
The point is that sometimes what we see isn’t what we first think it is. Sometimes, not even the second. This has been going through my mind as I examine California’s voter rolls for part of a small district adjacent to Los Angeles.
There are what looks like two serious anomalies. However, the magnitude of the first is hard to measure, and the second might be a data artifact. To write a report on this, it should be possible for someone reading it to independently see what I found in another version of the database. That isn’t the case yet, but I’m getting there.
The result is that I have gotten so wrapped up in this that I am posting less, typing away as my left arm keeps reminding me it isn’t healed up yet, and I’m wearing shirts and jackets with my left sleeve off to prevent contact with cloth. Air contact, I can’t do anything about, so I’m getting used to the sensation that my arm was dipped in a bucket of gasoline and cactus thorns.
That said, I think I’ll be finished with my California report soon, and look forward to sharing it.
In the meantime, every bit of news I see only reminds me that I hope Trump’s administration makes no compromises. They do what is right, no matter who gets in the way. They don’t back down, and they roll over any attempted interference.
What happened to Matt Gaetz bothered me because it looked like he lost a sissy fight. General Flynn was ousted with a far more complicated and sinister plot. These days, accusations of sexual impropriety should not even be considered harmful to one’s career or reputation. The reason is that so many have been made and proven false that none can be considered credible.
This is yet another amazingly backward victory for feminists: they have made it much easier for Americans to disbelieve women who claim abuse. I don’t doubt it really happens, but I do doubt almost every claim now. The Muslim standard of proof is starting to look more sensible than what journalists and politicians use here.
Too much stress Andrew. I hope the shingles complete.y resolves quickly 💕
As you I thought I had been bit by a spider to find out it was shingles after going to the Doctor a couple years ago. The Dr. gave me a prescription which I decided not to take. I decided to try what I had accidentally found that cured my planters warts a years back. My thinking was warts are supposedly viral and so is Shingles/Chickenpox. What I took that cured both my plantar warts and Shingles was higher than recommended dose of B supplement for the warts and B pollen for the Shingles. Worked amazingly for both. Lots of money had been spent over the years having the wart to burnt off and such for them to only come back. Once they went away after taking B supplements they have never returned. The Bee pollen cleared up the shingles pretty fast. I shared with my Doctor as to what worked great for me.
I have shared with several individuals what I have tried and worked for me. Those that have tried it B supplement/Bee pollen have gave great reports back to me. I am not a Dr. but definitely has helped others and I more than once.